Boal | 50 YEARS OLD
750 ML
650,0 €
Ribeiro Real Demijohns

Among the producers of the best Madeira wines were old families from the island, such as the Favila. During the reign of King Luis, I (1838-1889) a Favila canteiro wine displayed insignia of the Royal House of Bragança, which implies its high quality was endorsed “by appointment” to the Royal House. The most appreciated Favila wines came from their famous Ribeiro Real estate, situated in Estreito Câmara de Lobos. Among a few Boal demijohns left by Ricardo Diogo’s mother at Barbeito, he selected three of them and created this blend, paying a homage to the past of Madeira Wine.
Medium Sweet
19,6% -
16º C | 18º C
Fresh and sophisticated bouquet with balsamic hints, wood, dark chocolate, fine spices, nuts, and orange peel, with an intense caramel flavor that contrasts with a mild spice. With a fresh acidity that mixes with a gentle bittersweet, involving the palate in a soft ending.

Ribeiro Real Demijohns Boal 50 years old