Sercial | 2019
750 ML
45,0 €
Branco da Laje
It is with great pride that we announce our first Madeirense POD wine 100% made with grapes from the Sercial caste. Our exclusive Branco da Laje Sercial 2019, comes from rigorously selected grapes and transported with every care in 20kg boxes from the Vinha da Laje in Seixal. In the vinification process we use the entire grape in press, with a maceration of 24h. Staged in French oak casks until it's bottling.
White Wine
11% -
10º C
This little vineyard situated right along the seaside in the North Coast of the island is fustigated by strong winds filled with sea mist, situation that grants the characteristic grapes the unique acidity and salinity. This white wine is unique. The caste gives originality, it's citric colour, a delicate, elegant aroma and a very sophisticated palate. The notes of peach and green pineapple, yellow stone fruit with a basaltic touch confer this White a notable experience. Ends with a fresh and balanced acidity, the mineral touch and the salinity characteristic of Madeira grapes make this wine perfect for summer dinners accompanied with seafood and grilled fish. In October 2020. 494 units were bottled.
Ricardo Diogo e Nuno Duarte